Friday, September 23, 2011

Live Today As if It's Your Last

Don't we tend to assume that our life span is unlimited? That we will have all the time to do what we want? That we will always be given another chance?

Well, I, and I'm sure you have realized that this is certainly not the case. Just take a look around. People are dying, the young and the old, the sick and the healthy, the poor and the rich. Death has no bias and sometimes no logical explanation. But one thing is for sure, it will happen to every one of us. And none of us is sure, it will happen to every one of us. And none of us is sure when that day will arrive when we have to exit the earth, leaving behind our loved ones, our unfulfilled dreams, our incomplete responsibilities. But to arrive it will.

Intimidating, is it not? So, what can we do about it? Can we conquer death? What do you say? No? Well, I think we can! How? Simple. Live each day and every day to the fullest as if it's the last one we have. Live so that when we die, our souls feels fulfilled and there is no remorse whatsoever.

Although I have been aware of this philosophy sine childhood, I used to take life for granted, thinking that I had all the time that I will ever need and want. I lived regretting yesterday and worrying about tomorrow, never enjoying "today". I was busy planning for for the morrow, always striving for more and stressing myself out in the process.

However, over time I observed the "passing" of so many young healthy persons who had such promising futures and I was "awakened" to what is. I even lost my mother suddenly; at one moment she was alive and jolly, within the next, she died, with no warning signals at all. I was jolted emotionally, spiritually and physically. I realized 'forcefully" that I was not truly living in the moment. I thought I had infinite time but this profound experience taught me that I did not and that I had to pay more reverence to "today".

Friends, we can never be sure of tomorrow, not even the next second. And this is why we must mentally detach from the physical world and stop taking the gift of life for granted. I agree that we must have high standards and "stretching" goals, but we should never sacrifice living in the present moment. The present is all that we will ever have. Make the time to relax and do the things that fill your heart with joy.

Let us live today as if it's our last day on earth. Thank God if we live to see tomorrow. But in case we don't, let us at least have no regrets. Life can be so blissful, but we have to savour every moment.

It's getting late for all of us. Each day lived is a day closer to death. So let's wait no more my friends. Laugh, love, serve, stretch your mind, smell the roses, hug your loved ones, listen to great music and inspirational messages, see the beauty in your surroundings and have a ton of fun (you deserve it). Today could be your last day. Make it count!


  1. you spoke to me. I'm guilty of same- not enjoying the present and worrying about the future.

  2. Awesome post. I have just read similar article in a book, and practicing hard to live in the moment.
    I have shared this article on my post :)
